Did you know that more than 70,000 Americans have Sickle Cell Anemia? Sickle Cell Anemia is a blood disease that is genetically passed down from your parents and is very common

Sickle Cell Amemia is caused by a mutation (substitution) in the cell that tells your body to make hemoglobin. This doesn't allow oxygen to get from your lungs to the different parts of your body. Your red blood cells don't get the oxygen they need and start to become frigid and form a crescent shape.

-Episodes of Pain
-Slowed Growth
-Vision Problems
-Swollen Hands & Feet
Tips for Living With Sickle Cell Anemia
-Regular Exercise
-Healthy Diet
-Lots of Water
-Avoid Extreme Temperatures
-Reduce Stress
A bone marrow transplant is the only "cure" for Sickle Cell Anemia. Medications like antibiotics, vitamins, and pain relievers may be useful if advised by your doctor.
Interesting Facts
-Sickle Cell Anemia is not contagious
-Sickle shaped cells only last about 10-20 days where as normal red        cells last up to 120 days.
-S.S.A. is a life-long and life threatening condition
-For a baby to be born with the disease both parents must carry a sickle cell gene.